Raymond Randall's picture

Raymond Randall

Managing Principal, Waste Management

TRUE Advisor

I have a passion for helping companies be better stewards of their financial, human and natural capital, and find the strategic sweet spot that builds a stronger company. I have a reputation for building strong strategic relationships with people and entities that are good for both parties, and I have a thirst for bringing innovations to the table that can create differentiation and competitive advantage.

I have over twenty-five years experience provide consulting services to a diverse mix of customers including Fortune 100, Non-governmental organizations, non-profits, trade associations and city, county and state government agencies. Specialties include: Sustainability, innovation, zero waste, green events, environmental stewardship strategies, operations, LEED, solid waste/recycling/diversion, program development, mobilizing people and groups.

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Job Title: 
Managing Principal
Waste Management
State name text: 
Management Occupations
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services
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